Monday, October 7, 2019

Bethel United Methodist Church: Scavenger Hunt

Last week, my class took a trip fo Bethel United Methodist Church to complete a scavenger hunt for symbols in the cemetery. Here are 10 of the ones I found:

Above is the flat headstone grave of  Elizabeth M. Its symbol is an angel which represents the agent of God and spirituality.
Above is the flat headstone grave of  Ellen Amelia. Its symbol is a rose which represents unfailing love, beauty, and hope.

Above is the upright headstone grave of  Priscilla Sabah Eason. Its symbol is a crown on a cross which represents the "sovereignty of the Lord".  
Above is the upright headstone grave of  Elizabeth M. Ainger. Its symbol is a bird flying which represents divine mission.
Above is the upright headstone grave of  Rebecca H. Martin. Its symbol is a flower which represents love, grief, and sometimes happiness.
Above is the upright headstone grave of  Mrs. Eliza Caeder. Its symbol is a flower which represents love, grief, and sometimes happiness. 
Above is the upright headstone grave of James F. M. Lord. Its symbol is a draping tree which represents the love of Christ and the Tree of Life.
Above is the flat headstone grave of an unknown person. Its symbol is a cross which represents love, faith,  and Christianity.
Above is the flat headstone grave of an unknown person. Its symbol is a lion which represents power of God and guards the tomb against evil spirits. 
Above is the flat headstone grave of Catharine Frances. Its symbol is a flower which represents love, grief, and sometimes happiness. 
Above is the upright headstone grave of  Priscilla Sabah Eason. Its symbol is a crown on a cross which represents the "sovereignty of the Lord". 
Above is the flat headstone grave of  Mrs. Elizabeth Furchess. Its symbol is a tree over a fountain which represents hope or deep mourning and looking over something or someone.
Above is the upright headstone grave of  Priscilla Sabah Eason. Its symbol is a crown on a cross which represents the "sovereignty of the Lord". 
Above is the upright headstone grave of Rosa Mary. Its symbol is a toga which represents the power in patriarchy.

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About Me

About Me
My name is Eden Kirn and I am a freshman at the College of Charleston. I am from Tallahassee, Florida. I am planning on studying Special Education to either be a Special Education teacher or a physical therapist for people with disabilities. This blog is about my experience learning about the cemeteries throughout Charleston.